Verified Gross Mass (VGM) is the regulation in the SOLAS convention in the purpose of ensuring the sea safety, which will require verification of container weights before loaded containers may be placed aboard ships within a prescribed cut-off date / time to the shipping line and/or port terminal authorities (VGM by Vietnamese)

  1. There are two methods of determining the VGM:
  • Method 1: Weight the whole container after it has been packed.
  • Method 2: Weight all the cargo and contents of the container individually, then adding those weight to the container’s tare weight
  1. Shipper must accomplish the VGM template with full details and chop & sign. The original must be given to the driver to do the declaration with the terminal operation, one copy must be submitted to the shipping line/ forwarder before the SI cut-off.

* * * Notice: AT THE GATE: NO VGM = NO GATE IN

  1. Allowed Tolerance
  • Container with VGM less than 10 tons: (+)(-) 0.5 tons
  • Container with VGM over than 10 tons: (+)(-)5% of max gross weight.
  • Container with VGM over than Max Gross Weight showed on the container’s tare won’t be loaded
  • Container with VGM submitted later than Si cut-off is not satisfied the loading conditions.
  • Terminal only bases on the VGM List provided by Shipping lines to make Stowage plan discussion with Shipmaster or Chief Officer and no need double check with VGM that TCIT had received from ICTS

* * * Notice: For all vessel arriving on June 30th and Export in July 01st, 2016 Implementation day of SOLAS), kindly request Shippers prepare to weight vom before or latest on July 01st before ship’s departure 12 hours in advance in order Shipping Lines can provide VGM data to Terminal and be loaded on-board to sail on 01st July, 2016.

For LCL from VGM, please click on the below for download


For FCL from VGM, please click on the below for download